
Cuma seminerleri II: Micro-World & Macro World

Cuma 16 Kasım 2012, 10:00-12:00 GAU - Millennium Senate Congress Hall Özet: Micro-World & Macro-World The need for bridge laws to bridge the definitional gap between macro-quantities and micro-quantities is kind of inter-theory relation between various fields of study. It is a very simple example of Interdisciplinary and trans-disciplinary nature of science. Gap of laws in-between very Inhabitants of the micro-world and inhabitants of the macro-world seems to be as a serious manner of human civilization. It is no more about size and number the crises are showing up in the content of reading, understanding, recognizing and interpreting data’s and information. The human illusion of geocentric world is changing to the far worse world of scale less. Ignoring scale and abstracting away from the messy details are common story to be told around the world; the world which has suffered enough from human ”either-or“ abstraction and is looking forward to the very point of ”both-and“…. Now where we are standing through this as an architect? It is a simple question! Bio-Statement: Assist. Prof. Dr. Shahin Keynoush received his M.Sc. & Ph.D. degree concerning the cognitive approach to architecture and urbanism; and in the same time he was participating to the Constructive Realism school of Philosophy. He is the member of WORLDCOMP (World Academy of Science) and IKE committee member, chair and associate editor since 2006 .