
Human Rights

Conscientious Weakness of Human Rights

Girne American University, Faculty of Humanities organized a series of seminars related to the Human Rights Activities. In this seminar series research on human rights was presented by a varity of speakers, including the actress and dramatic artist Derya Durmaz.

The seminar series was held at the Milennium Campus Conference Center Complex at the GAU’s, Kyrenia, Northern Cyprus Campus and included a seminar titled ’Which Human Rights’ and two films starring Derya Durmaz which were called ’İnci Çekirdeği’ and ’Mülteci’.

The main theme of this seminar series, national workshops, and festivals as well as other international seminars and conferences in which the Faculty of Humanities has taken part, is to raise awareness of Human Rights in North Cyprus and around the world.

The subject of Human Rights must be direction of our conscientiousness.

The seminar series begain with Ms. Durmaz thanking the GAU, the Dean of the Faculty of Humanities, Prof. Dr. Nesrin Kale, and GAU students for their participation and organization of the event. This was followed be a series of film screenings, seminars and interviews, where Ms. Durmaz was happy to answer lots of questions from students. Ms. Durmaz emphasized the importance that higher education has in the development of Human Rights, and stated that the awareness of Human Rights around the world needed to be improved.

We aim to a raise awareness on Human Rights through art and film.

Prof. Dr. Nesrin Kale said in a statement that the Human Rights Weeks organized each year at GAU, were designed to raise awarness of Human Rights and to emphasize how art and film can be used to help communicate about Human Rights issues more effectively. Prof. Dr. Nesrin Kale suggested that the expression of Human Rights issues in art and film will help encourage present - day young people to develop opinions, become leaders and examine the issue of human rights in the future. An additional purpose of the event was to encourage students’ ability to ask questions and think in differnt ways.