



Measuring Outcome

Quality in Education 

Evaluation of GAU’s activities in education, research and social responsibilities; involvement of related mechanisms, culture, internal and external stakeholders for continuous quality improvement; maintaining quality in education in the frame of the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Activities to enhance continuous quality improvement.

Transforming GAU’s Accreditation office to Quality Assurance and Accreditation Office.

Restructuring the QA and Accreditation Office (recruiting a new staff).

Formation of GAU’s Quality Assurance Commission.

QA Commission to meet at least 3 times during 10.2.2019-25.3.2019.

Developing GAU QA Commission’s Policies and Regulations.

Submitting QA Commission’s Policies and Regulations to QA Commission.

Starting the process of Internal Self Evaluation.

Preparing the Internal Self Evaluation Report.

Submitting the Internal Self Evaluation Report to the Senate.

Preparing Internal Self Evaluation Report for YÖK. 

Submitting the Internal Self Evaluation Report to YÖK by 25 March 2019.

Publishing the Internal Self Evaluation Report for YÖK.

Announcing the Internal Self Evaluation Report on GAU web site by 1 April 2019.

Preparing SWOT analysis during a conference. 

Holding a conference with 30 participants to prepare SWOT analysis for Quality Assurance.

Adopting an international Excellence Model in Quality Assurance. 

A report of adoptability of the Excellence Model to GAU’s vision, mission and weaknesses. 

To plan and implement activities to develop a QA culture within GAU. 

Planning and implementing internal training activities and leadership development programs related with the QA Excellence Model.

Providing a licensed training about the Excellence Model to at least 10 selected staff.  Providing an informative training to at least 50 staff. Participating to at least 3 academic conferences about Quality Assurance.

Identifying the Institutional Maturity Index and preparing a road map.

Organizing a workshop to identify the Institutional Maturity Index in respect to the QA Excellence Model.

Participation of at least 30 GAU staff to the workshop; for identifying the Institutional Maturity Index in respect to the QA Excellence Model.

Suggesting a road map for the institution’s development in excellence according to its maturity index. 

Matching the road map with external evaluation. 

Setting up the institution’s internal and external QA system. 

Preparing GAU’s QA Strategic Plan according to the QA Excellence Model. 

GAU’s quality policy in line with its mission, vision and strategic objectives and definition of key performance indicators and objectives. 

Preparing GAU’s QA Handbook according to the QA Excellence Model. 

Submitting GAU Quality Assurance Handbook to the Senate.

QA Handbook, according to the QA Excellence Model will cover: 

  • Quality policy in line with GAU’s mission, vision and strategic objectives, methods and procedures followed;
  • Managing / Organizational procedures and activities followed to achieve mission and objectives;
  • Definition of an internal quality assurance system where the key performance indicators of academic and administrative units are defined in order to assure achievement of mission and objectives; where measurable objectives are assessed and periodically evaluated. 


To enhance GAU’s performance in accreditation. 

To improve GAU’s accreditation process.  

Preparing GAU’s SWOT analysis for accreditation.

SWOT analysis for accreditation.

Preparing action plan for accreditation. 

Accreditation action plan.

To increase the number of accredited academic programmes of GAU. 

To identify GAU academic programmes eligible for accreditation. 

The list of GAU academic programmes eligible for accreditation.

To prepare a road map with the related faculties for the academic programmes eligible for accreditation. 

A road map for at least an academic programme for accreditation. 

Making new accreditation applications.

Making new accreditation applications for at least an academic programme.